"One of the perfect examples of how mHealth impacts our life is the doctor-patient relationship, which becomes increasingly collaborative as you’re able (as a patient) to measure various health-related parameters and keep your results, patient documentation, and prescriptions in one place, and, what’s more, share all of them with your doctor" https://www.monterail.com/blog/digital-transformation-healthcare-apps

Here at Clevare Healthcare we value the patient-provider relationship and want to make everyone involved in using our application feel comfortable. We provide services that help patients learn more about their lab results in simpler terms, create appointments and get reminded of upcoming ones, and even have a "chat" service for those patients that need more explanation.
Entering the mobile health and virtual presence reduces the cost of services and creates a higher ROI (return on investments) for your organization. A mobile application reduces the risk of common appointment problems like patients who need to cancel appointments don't end up wasting "real-time" for those physically working within the organization.

We pride ourselves in creating normality between the relationship of the provider and patient as if it were to be in person. Learn more about Clevare Healthcare at www.clevare.com or email us at clevarehealthcare@tranow.com!